Back Billing Policy

We are committed to ensuring customers receive a fair and consistently high level of service, at all times. We aim to provide timely and accurate bills but recognise that, unfortunately, sometimes things can go wrong.

This policy explains how we will try to resolve back billing scenarios.

What do we mean by back billing?

So called ‘back billing’ occurs when energy suppliers are forced to bill a customer for electricity or gas which has not previously been charged for, going back over a number of months or, in extreme cases, years.

For instance, back billing may happen if the customer’s account has previously been billed using underestimated meter readings for a long period of time, or where a change of tenancy has occurred at the property but no bill has been sent to the new occupier and this is then corrected.

Our back billing promise

Where the customer is not at fault for the undercharging, we will limit the back billing period to a maximum of 12 months. In addition, we will aim to ensure that, on the rare occasion where we have to issue a back bill, the customer is provided with repayment options which meet their needs. For example, we will consider a suitable payment plan, or a potential discount for one off payment.