If you think that your meter is faulty it may be worth considering the following points, before reporting any issues:
• If the meter readings we’ve used were read by you or a meter reader, and are not estimated
• If your previous invoices have been billed to estimated readings and we have recently received an actual meter reading, your invoice may be higher due to the underestimation of your previous invoices
• The time of year, as you may use more during the winter months
• If there’s been a price change since your last bill
• If you’ve changed anything in your business, for example new appliances
• If there’s been an increase in the number of people in your business
• If there’s been recent building work/improvements completed at your business, the appliances used may have increased your usage
• If your meter displays more than one reading, please ensure the correct readings are provided
If you have checked the above and you still believe that your meter may be faulty, please contact us on 0344 567 8427 and we’ll be happy to assist you.