Refund Policy

Please see below for the Ruby Electricity & Ruby Gas Refund Policy.

Our Refund Policy

At Ruby, we are committed to ensuring any money owed to customers is returned, in appropriate circumstances. Below you’ll find details of our refund policy and how you can help to ensure refunds are processed as smoothly as possible.

Live accounts (currently being supplied by Ruby Energy)

If you believe your account is in credit and you require a refund, please contact our Customer Services Team using these details. Our Customer Services Team will verify any credit balance owed and then contact you to discuss your preferred refund method, where appropriate. For a refund to be made directly into your bank account, please remember to have your account details to hand when contacting us.

Customers on our Gas Budget Payment Plan (GBPP) should note that monthly Direct Debit instalments are designed to build up a credit amount over the summer period, when businesses generally use less gas; however, this credit amount is then eroded over the winter months. As such, it may not be appropriate to refund credits in these circumstances, but our Customer Services Team will discuss any queries you may have.

Closed Accounts

For closed accounts with credit balances, we have signed up to the Energy UK & ICOSS voluntary minimum standards for micro business customers, and you can find more information about the standards here.

Wherever possible, please help us to close your account by providing us with a meter reading from the date you move out of the property, or change supplier.

Your final statement will confirm any credit balance remaining and you should contact our Customer Services Team to discuss your preferred refund method. For refunds by bank transfer, please remember to have your bank details to hand when you contact us.